Instant autodesk autocad 2014 customization with .net pdf free

Instant autodesk autocad 2014 customization with .net pdf free

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Instant autodesk autocad 2014 customization with .net pdf free.UCL Software Database


BlockTableId, OpenMode. GetObject bt[BlockTableRecord. GetDictionaryKey typeof DwfDefinition ; if! GetDictionaryKey typeof PdfDefinition ; if nod. GetObject OpenMode. ForRead ; Steps through dictionary looking for PdfDefinition GetDictionaryKey typeof DwfDefinition ; if nod. A DBDictionary maintains a map between text strings and database objects. An instance of this class represents a single object When objects are placed in a dictionary, the dictionary becomes the object's owner.

Dictionary names honor the rules for symbol names. Names may be as long as you need them to be longer than 32 characters, as defined by previous versions of AutoCAD. Names may contain additional characters, such as the space character ' ' , the apostrophe ''' , and so on.

Names are treated case-insensitively. When a dictionary is erased, all the objects within it are erased. When a dictionary is unerased, all of its contents are unerased. The XRecord class is a data storage class to allow programs a means to store data. Each XRecord object is capable of storing up to 2GB.

By establishing an object's extension dictionary as the XRecord's owner, it's possible to associate large amounts of data with that object. An XRecords structure for data input and output is done with a linked list of Resultbuffer structures, which is a list of TypedValue items. Int16, , new TypedValue int DxfCode. Real, ForWrite as Entity; if ent! Null Looks for an Extension dictionary, ent.

GetObject ent. ForRead, false as Entity; if ent! ExtensionDictionary, OpenMode. GetObject xDict. GetAt key , OpenMode. ForRead, false ; return xrec. In Visual Studio C a new type of 'dynamic' was introduced. This is a static type that bypasses static type checking and functions like it has a type of object.

Errors are caught at run time for invalid code. The equivalent to the dynamic keyword is object in VB. Exception acadex if acadex. KeyNotFound ed. Text, value ; record. They were created. Brian Ekins Autodesk, Inc. This article provides an introduction to Inventor's VBA programming.

James E. Johnson Synergis Software CP This class will discuss and illustrate required registry settings for demand-loading a. We will examine code samples that illustrate how. AB is a point-topoint protocol. Custom Linetypes. LIN AutoCAD provides the ability to create custom linetypes or to adjust the linetypes supplied with the system during installation. Linetypes in AutoCAD can be classified into two. Exercise 1: Python Language Basics In this exercise we will cover the basic principles of the Python language.

All languages have a standard set of functionality including the ability to comment code,. Error codes are logged. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. It is fast, powerful and easy-to-use for every expert and beginners.

Standard Text 2. Layout Set 3. Java Programming Binnur Kurt binnur. Starting DWGSee. Family 2. Lecture 9. This document describes some of the differences between object-oriented programming in Scheme which we hope you. Aka Pi. DWG "drawing" is a file format used for storing two and three dimensional design data and metadata.

AutoCAD is R The ProductID structure is a 4-digit value. The LocaleId starts with the number 4, then it is immediately followed by a hexadecimal number indicating the language. Product keys are required for installation of Autodesk products and are used to differentiate products that are both sold independently and as part of a product suite.

More Autodesk Product Keys. Subscribe to the blog. AutoCAD information. AutoCAD Version 1. AutoCAD Version 2. Thanks Jeff, please do. I found him on LinkedIn too. I'm sure there are quite a few people here who would be interested in his book. The source code is available at the publishers web site which may be a bonus. I think anyone who has developed several projects for AutoCAD will probably be let down as most of the information is readily available through google searches.

Keith The difficulty with a google search even a search here is dissecting the 'good' information from the rest. There has been a lot of guesses made publically about. Combining the 2 topics for people with limited experience is most certainly a challenge. Using a "recipe" format, putting suitable samples into one place is a proven teaching method, allowing for individual progression. Andrey Bushman Swamp Rat Posts: As I see in the books short description the "read more" item - it has the same info only which can be found via the google manually, without the problems Yes, it is good, what even this book are exists, but I've expected more.

I have completely rewritten my set of Draw Order Functions and have up-issued the set of functions to Version 1. I have updated the Geometric Intersections section of my library of Mathematical Functions to include an alternative version of my Circle-Circle Intersection function, and a new Arc-Arc Intersection function. To start the new year, I have added a new program to my site: Viewport Outline. This program allows the user to automatically generate a polyline in modelspace representing the outline of a selected paperspace viewport.

I have added a new Outline Objects program to the site. This program enables the user to generate one or more closed polylines or regions representing a silhouette or outline of all objects in a selection. I have updated my Automatic Block Break program to Version 1. The new version changes the method used to detect objects found at the block insertion point when determining the angle for automatic block rotation, fixing a bug causing polylines with non-zero width to be ignored.

I have updated my recently published Selection Counter utility to Version 1. This reactor-driven application will silently run in the background and will automatically display the number of objects in the active selection at the AutoCAD status bar, offering an alternative to the Quick Properties functionality available in newer versions of AutoCAD. I have updated my Flatten List function to update the code formatting in line with my other functions.

I have updated my library of Mathematical Functions to include a vector version of my Line-Circle Intersection function as part of my Geometric Intersection Functions , and a Quadratic Solution function as part of my Arithmetic Functions. I have added a new 2D Projection program to the site. This program provides the user with a means of projecting a selected set of planar objects from one reference frame or projective space to another, using a projective or 'perspective' transformation.

I have added a new Nested Burst program to the site. This program enables the user to burst explode whilst retaining attribute values a selection of block references, including any nested block references found within the selected blocks, nested to any level.

I have updated my Strikethrough Text program to Version 1. The new version provides a generic function to allow the user to create any number of custom commands in order to generate any number of lines above, below or through selected text objects.

I have added a new Circle Tangents program to the site. This program allows the user to dynamically construct two circles connected with a pair of lines meeting the circumference of each circle at a tangent. The program also utilises my recently published GrSnap utility to enable full Object Snap functionality at each prompt. After much delay, I have finally found some spare time to add my new GrSnap utility to the Subfunction Library section of the site. Following the above addition, I have also added a new novelty program to my site: Star allows the user to create a customised star shape, constructed dynamically using a polyline object.

Finally, I have shared yet another dynamic program which also utilises my recently published GrSnap utility: my new 3-Point Rectangle program enables the user to dynamically construct a rectangle defined by three supplied points.

I have implemented a minor update to my Dynamic Attribute Width program to cause the attribute width factor to be reset to its original value should the user right-click during the operation of the program - this behaviour is more consistent with standard AutoCAD behaviour. The program is now at Version 1. I have added a new function: Evaluate Once on Startup to the Subfunction Library section of the site. This function provides the facility for a supplied expression to be evaluated only once on the next drawing startup, and not subsequently.

I have updated my Areas to Field program to Version 1. This new version of the program will populate the contents of an AutoCAD table cell with the appropriate field expression if the point specified by the user is found to reside within a table cell. I have updated my Copy to XRef program to Version 1. My Dynamic Attribute Width program has been updated to Version 1.

The 'Reset' option in the new version will now reset the width factor of the selected attribute to that of its associated attribute definition, rather than always resetting the factor to 1. The new version also offers an enhanced settings dialog, allowing the user to configure several additional parameters which were not available in the previous version. I have also updated my Layer Director program to Version 1. The new version will allow the user to specify basic layer properties to be applied to layers which are automatically created by the program.

I have also changed the loading method to use the post-initialisation s::startup function and have restructured the code used to construct the Visual LISP Command Reactor to hopefully resolve some reported issues in which the application was not automatically enabled for some drawing files. I have added a new program to the site: Dynamic Attribute Width will allow the user to dynamically alter the width factor of a selected attribute, with a real-time preview as the cursor is moved relative to the attribute.

I have updated my Incremental Array program to Version 1. This version fixes accumulated rounding errors appearing at item 44 onwards when incrementing a value of 1 by an increment of 1. The new version now also accounts for layers whose colour property has been assigned a True Colour or Colour Book colour. I have updated my Incremental Numbering Suite program to Version 3. Following the recent release of my heavily updated Incremental Array program, I have revised this program to Version 1.

I have completely rewritten my old Incremental Array program, and have updated the code to Version 1. This new version incorporates a more advanced incrementing engine similar to that used by my Incremental Numbering Suite application, and also allows the user to specify an increment value. My most popular and most extensively developed program, Incremental Numbering Suite has now been updated to Version 3.

This new version fixes a number of bugs present in the previous version following bug reports submitted by numerous users which have accumulated since the release of Version 3. For information detailing the changes to the program in this new version, please see the version history section of the program code header.

I am honoured to announce that I have been nominated to become a member of the prestigious Autodesk Expert Elite program! I have updated my Error Message Troubleshooter page to include several additional error messages and their accompanying explanations and possible causes. I have updated my Burst Upgraded program to Version 1. The new version of the program has been restructured to accept a selection set argument, allowing the program to be called from other custom programs; the program will also now explode non-attributed blocks, rather than restricting the selection to only those with attributes.

I have added a new developer utility function to the site: Print List is a relatively simple but incredibly useful function to assist with the understanding of the structure of a given list.

The function will print a supplied list to the command-line or file, with nested lists displayed in a hierarchical format so that the list structure is revealed. New program: Modelspace to Paperspace added to the site. Similar to the standard CHSPACE command, this program allows the user to copy a selection of objects from Modelspace to the current Paperspace layout, through an active viewport. My Nested Block Counter has been updated to Version 1. The new version fixes a couple of bugs arising when counting nested dynamic blocks with different visibility states, and when counting multiple block references occurring several nesting levels deep.

I have completely rewritten my novelty Tip of the Day program; the new Version 1. Firstly, I would like to apologise to my readers for the distinct lack of updates to my site over the past month - my workload has increased substantially this year and my free time is unfortunately currently in short supply.

To those who have contacted me directly, please know that I have received your messages, but finding the time to adequately respond to everyone in a timely manner is becoming increasingly difficult - for this I apologise. As with my other published applications, the published version of the program has a professional application installer and comes complete with a custom ribbon panel and individual toolbar icons for each command which may be used to launch the application.

The original program has also been updated to Version 1. I have updated my library of Mathematical Functions to include a new set of Arithmetic Functions ; such functions include calculation of the Least Common Multiple of two or more numbers, obtaining a list of Prime Factors of a number, and testing whether or not a given number is prime. I have updated the code for my old Elevation Marker program. This very simple program enables the user to create multiple elevation markers composed of a variable-width polyline and a text object displaying the UCS Y-coordinate of the picked point.

New tutorial: The Apostrophe and the Quote Function. This new version fixes a bug causing the previous version of the program to error when processing non-uniformly scaled dynamic blocks, and also offers the user the ability to process a selection of blocks rather than processing all blocks and output the results to a Text or CSV file.

I have updated the code for my Selection Set Bounding Box function. I have updated the code and function description for my Browse for Folder function; the code is now more concise and includes a smaller code header for a reduced footprint, and the function description page now includes an example function call with accompanying image, and a reformatted list of bit code values. The new version of the program has also been published to the Autodesk Exchange App Store!

The published version has a professional application installer and comes complete with a custom ribbon panel from which to launch the application. This new release also improves the general performance of the program, providing a more stable and reliable program. New Show Hatch Text program added to the site. I have added a new Length at Midpoint program to the site. This program automatically generates MText objects positioned over the midpoint of every object in a selection, with each item of MText containing a field expression referencing the length of the object.

New Field Formatting Code program added to the site. This utility enables the user to determine the field formatting code associated with the field expression held by a selected object, and may be used in conjunction with my Length at Midpoint , Areas to Field , and Area Field to Attribute programs in order to determine the correct field formatting code to use with each of the programs. I have updated the descriptions for my Areas to Field , and Area Field to Attribute programs to update the set of instructions indicating how to determine the correct field formatting code to use with each program.

I am delighted to publish a very appreciative and complimentary testimonial received from the tremendous folk at Momentum Engineering - thank you! New Offset Polyline Section program added to the site. This program enables the user to offset a section of a polyline enclosed by two selected points on the polyline. I have updated my set of Colour Conversion Functions to improve the concision of the code for many of the functions.

My Error Message Troubleshooter has been updated to add the bad argument type: streamp error message, and to also include possible AutoLISP functions pertaining to the cause of each error. I have recently updated my Minimum Bounding Box function to overhaul the old function code, include additional error trapping, and furthermore update the code formatting to meet my current standard.

Andrea Andreetti, the proprietor of DuctiSoft, is a very creative programmer whom I have had the pleasure of collaborating with in the past to create a novelty Dynamic Laser program requires Swamp membership to view. I have now updated my Circular Wipeout program to Version 1. The updated version fixes a bug causing the program to return an error if an object intersected the bounding box of the block at only one point. I have recently updated my set of Attribute Functions to fix a few minor bugs, improve the concision of the code, and update the formatting to be consistent with my other function sets.

These published versions come complete with professional application installers and custom ribbon panels from which to launch the applications. I have updated my Extract Nested Block program to Version 1. The updated version incorporates additional error trapping to prohibit selection of blocks nested within dynamic blocks or xrefs with which the program is incompatible , and nested blocks residing on locked layers.

The program will also now ignore non-uniformly-scaled block references for which the previous version returned an error. The published version includes an application installer and a custom ribbon panel from which to launch the application.

Feel free to rate and review the app! Gilles Chanteau, the proprietor of gileCAD, is an incredibly talented programmer who I have had the pleasure of knowing for several years, and from whom I have learnt a great deal. The version published at the Exchange App Store comes complete with an installer and also features a custom ribbon panel from which to launch the program. A new novelty program gift to my readers for the first post of September: Password Generator was inspired by a recent 'challenge thread' posted at TheSwamp CAD forum, and will generate a pseudo-random password string based on the parameters specified.

I have updated my Nested Move program to Version 1. My Burst Upgraded program has now been rewritten and updated to Version 1.

I have also included an animated demonstration to exhibit the program capabilities. Following valuable feedback received from several users, my Nested Move program has now been updated to Version 1. The new version allows the user to select multiple nested objects with the same parent to be moved, with selection highlighting to provide visual feedback for the selected objects.

The new version will also move only the 'outermost' nested object when the user has selected an object nested several levels deep - this also resolves an issue in which the user could move nested dimension components.

The accompanying animated demonstration has also been updated to reflect the new functionality. List Box function rewritten and updated to Version 1. This updated version alters the third argument for the function to a bit-coded integer controlling whether the list box permits selection of multiple items, and also whether the function will either return a list of selected items or a list of zero-based indexes corresponding to the position of each item within the supplied data set - a necessary enhancement when working with data containing duplicate items.

The new version has cleaner code and performs successfully on a wider range of CAD platforms following a recently received bug report submitted by an avid user.

I have recently updated my entire set of Dynamic Block Functions. This program enables the user to move a selected object nested within a block, dynamic block or xref nested to any depth , without opening the xref source drawing. New ssget Function Reference added to the Programming References section of the site. This reference includes information gathered over the years from various sources, including information on undocumented ssget functionality and several examples to demonstrate function usage.

This function will recursively create each level of a supplied directory folder structure. Following the recent addition of my Match Field Formatting program, I have now also added a new Copy Field program to the site. This program enables the user to copy a field expression from a selected source object to multiple destination objects in a drawing.

My Copy to XRef program has now been completely rewritten and updated to Version 1. An animated demonstration of the program in action has also been included on the program page. I have added a brand new Match Field Formatting program to the site. This program enables the user to copy the formatting from a selected source field expression to multiple destination fields in a drawing.

Following the above addition, I have also included my Field Code function in the Subfunction Library section of the site. This function is heavily utilised by my recently added Match Field Formatting program, and will return the field expression associated with a Text, MText, Attribute, MLeader, or Dimension object.

My Copy to Layouts program has now been completely rewritten and updated to Version 1. The program enables a user to copy a selection of objects to all or selected layout tabs in a drawing; this updated version is more robust with cleaner code for improved readability. My Copy or Rename Block Reference program has now been completely rewritten and updated to Version 1.

The code for the updated program has improved clarity, concision and readability, with additional error trapping to allow for block references residing on locked layers. Following the recent update of my Copy or Rename Block Reference program as noted above, my Copy Block Definition function has also been rewritten and similarly improved. I have rewritten my old Copy Block from Drawing program and have renamed the program to a more apt: Import Block.

This program is the precursor of my far more generalised and extensively developed Steal from Drawing program and allows a user to import a block from a selected drawing file into the active drawing, without opening the external file.

My novelty Clock application has now been completely rewritten and updated to Version 1. I have also rewritten the description found on the program page and have added a new animation to demonstrate the program in action.

I have updated my set of Column Reference Functions ; these functions are ideal for converting and manipulating alphabetical 'column references' e. I have also provided alternative versions for many of the functions in order to demonstrate different ways to obtain the same result.

A table of contents has been included on the page for ease of navigation. I have updated my set of Colour Conversion Functions to provide functions for conversion between all 5 colour enumerations listed on the page; a table of contents has also been included for ease of navigation. New Object Break program added to the General Programs section of the site. This program is a generalisation and enhancement of my existing and recently updated Circle Break program, enabling the user to break a selected object either at two specified points, or at two points of intersection with another selected object, and apply a set of properties to the selected portion of the object.

My Circle Break program has now been entirely rewritten and updated to Version 1. The much improved new version enables the user to use the program with ellipses in addition to circles, and apply a whole set of properties to the 'hidden' arc or elliptical arc, as opposed to simply assigning a layer as performed by the previous version. The accompanying program description has also been rewritten and a new animated demonstration has been included. My Change Block Insertion program has been completely rewritten and updated to Version 1.

Please note that the commands for this program have also been renamed accordingly. I have also rewritten the accompanying program description , providing an explanation for each available command, and including a new animated demonstration. The accompanying program descriptions have also been heavily updated to provide instructons detailing how to determine the correct Field formatting code when configuring the area format.

I have updated and reformatted my set of Attribute Functions and Base Conversion Functions ; the functions are now clearer and carry smaller code headers.

My very old Box Text program has been completely rewritten to vastly improve the readability of the code and to fix a few general bugs. I have furthermore revised my Update Titleblock Attributes program to Version 1.

I have now updated my old Copy to Drawing program to Version 1. As the new name suggests, I have now lifted the single drawing restriction, with the updated version allowing the user to copy a selection of objects to an entire set of drawings, without opening each drawing in the AutoCAD Editor.

This tutorial demonstrates a variety of different methods of how to iterate over all objects in a selection set, together with a brief explanation of how each method works and the efficiency of its operation. Updated my recently released Associative Textbox program to Version 1. Updated Associative Textbox program to Version 1.

Added Associative Textbox program to the site. Similar to my existing List Box function, this function also presents the user with a dialog interface containing a list box tile from which the user may select one or more items, however, the displayed dialog for this function also includes an edit box tile, enabling the user to filter the list of items displayed.

The updated program will furthermore perform successfully with text constructed in any UCS plane. My Get Files function has been completely rewritten and updated to Version 1.

The updated version implements a bug fix to account for Library folders encountered with Windows 7, and also incorporates a new and improved file sorting function. Directory Dialog function also updated and renamed to BrowseForFolder for consistency with the method used by the function. I have updated my GrText function to Version 1. The function has been completely rewritten with the previous 'Extended ASCII' version now included in the main function for consistency. The redundant colour argument has also now been removed to improve compatibility when the function is used with DCL.

The program page has also been overhauled to provide a far better description of the various demonstration programs, which have also been rewritten and updated. Added Text to Words program to the site. This program enables the user to convert a selection of single-line text objects into separate text objects for every word in the selection, whilst retaining all properties of the original objects.

Added Arrow Arc program to my library of General Programs. This program enables the user to construct an arc with arrowheads at each end point, aligned with the arc. Added Drawing Version function to the Subfunction Library section of the site. This function will return a string describing the drawing version of a supplied drawing file, if possible. The Matrix Inverse function uses the technique of Gauss-Jordan elimination to calculate the inverse of a given nxn non-singular matrix.

The included Identity Matrix function will return an nxn Identity Matrix with dimension given by the supplied integer parameter. Updated my Dump Object utility function to Version 1. My Automatic Block Break program has been mostly rewritten and updated to Version 1. Other minor changes have also been implemented to improve and streamline the program. I have also updated the Automatic Block Break program page, rewriting the description to describe each available command in greater detail and to include several new animations to better demonstrate the program capabilities.

Following recent development of my 5-Point Ellipse function, I have added a new Advanced Polyline Outline program to the General Programs section of the site. Added 5-Point Ellipse function to the Subfunction Library section of the site. This function will return the parameters of the unique ellipse passing through five supplied points, if such an ellipse exists.

The method used to determine these parameters is described on the function page linked above. Updated Background Mask program to Version 1. The update also implements several other minor improvements to the code. Added Ellipse to Arc program to the site. I have also updated my Circular Wipeout program to Version 1.

This updated version includes an additional command, c2wipe , which enables the user to convert a selection of circles to circular wipeouts.


Instant autodesk autocad 2014 customization with .net pdf free. Ambrosius Lee. - AutoCAD Platform Customization_ VBA .pdf

  CAD Je Ovlašteni Zastupnik Za Prodaju i Implementaciju AutoCAD-a. Više Od + Klijenata. He has also written white papers on customization for Autodesk and a variety Most of the images in this book were taken using AutoCAD in Windows 8. NET Framework with this release. Reading between the lines, you should realise that we're still building AutoCAD with the C++ compiler provided in.    


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